Model Technics Irvine Brew 5litre size
Model Technics Irvine Brew 5litre size
We keep in stock both 5% and 10% Nitro Irvine fuels
Contains the well known Klotz SuperTechniplate oil. With a total oil content of 18% this fuel is highly recommended by Ripmax for all OS and Irvine Engines.
Product Description
Model Technics uses carefully engineered ingredients and standards:
- Methanol - (CH3OH) 99.85% pure. Produced to BSENISO 9002 standard and IMPCA spec and contains less than 0.05% water.
- NitroMethane - (CH3NO2) 99.95% pure. The best commercially available spec. Does not contain the carcinogen 2-Nitropropane.
- Anti-foaming - An Anti-Foaming agent is added to fuels.
- Filtration - After mixing fuels are pressure filtered to 1 micron.
- Klotz Oils - The leading producer of model engine oils in USA. Super Techniplate contains 20% Castor oil while Regular Techniplate is a pure synthetic.
- Legal child resistant closures are fitted to all polys.
SICAL additive provides:
- Uncritical needle settings
- Reduced head temperatures
- Consistent smooth running
- Noticeable power increase
- Prolonged peak power runs
- Smooth reliable tickover
- Strong dependable pick-up
- Minimal varnish and carbon
- Superb corrosion protection
- Extremely long engine life